Game #1662394
9 / 50 items
Join the game now and win: 41.01
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Min. deposit 2.50 , max. items 10. The higher the bet, the greater the chance to win. More info
36.6% 15
24.4% 10
24.3% 9.98
14.7% 6.03
JABKAEZZ Deposited Sticker | interz (Holo) | Antwerp 2022 For 5
Tickets: from #2602 to #3101
JABKAEZZ Deposited CZ75-Auto | Midnight Palm (Field-Tested) For 5
Tickets: from #3102 to #3601
JABKAEZZ Deposited AUG | Colony (Minimal Wear) For 5
Tickets: from #3602 to #4101
IOSKO Deposited P2000 | Amber Fade (Field-Tested) For 3.78
Tickets: from #1999 to #2376
IOSKO Deposited CZ75-Auto | Indigo (Well-Worn) For 2.25
Tickets: from #2377 to #2601
Claki Deposited StatTrak™ Nova | Toy Soldier (Minimal Wear) For 4.99
Tickets: from #1001 to #1499
Claki Deposited StatTrak™ MP5-SD | Kitbash (Factory New) For 4.99
Tickets: from #1500 to #1998
Ivelin Deposited Sticker | interz (Holo) | Antwerp 2022 For 5
Tickets: from #1 to #500
Ivelin Deposited AUG | Colony (Minimal Wear) For 5
Tickets: from #501 to #1000
Last winner
68.79 36.43%
Luck of the day
*** !!
216.03 1.81%
Biggest bet